Bible Verses To Help You When Things Are Getting You Down

Life is not plain sailing for anyone.Rich or poor, strong or weak, alone or with many friends, there is no way that we can avoid the bad, the sad and the difficult circumstances in life.For many people the experience is like being tossed in the wind, all they can do is be brave or patient or philosophical and hope that better days are just around the corner.

However Christians have a resource to help them in these circumstances.In fact the Bible is full of good advice for the bad times.Here are just a few examples, perhaps one of them might help someone who does not know where to turn at the moment.

Fear grips us all on occasions especially at the present time when the world we live in seems to be rocking at its foundations.Many of us have financial fears as the global economy seems to be collapsing around us.

The following verses come from Hebrews (the 19th book in the New Testament)

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’.

So we say with confidence ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.What can man do to me?’ Heb 13 5, 6.

Depression and a lack of self worth can overwhelm others facing unemployment or young people trying to find work in a highly competitive market.These are the words of Jesus Christ, spoken to encourage his disciples who he knew were going to betray him and deny him in spite of their declarations of loyalty.These words are found in the Gospel of John.

In the world you will have trouble.But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ John 13.33

And an encouragement from one of his disciples some years later He is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy.Jude 24

Even the best of friends can let us down, just as Jesus was let down by those closest to him.It was also the experience of St.Paul who wrote to reassure a young man called Timothy that the risen Jesus was with him and strengthening him even though he was a chained prisoner at the time and facing a death sentence.

No-one came to my support, but everyone deserted me...but the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength 2 Tim 16-17

Feeling unloved and alone.No matter how independent and self reliant people may appear to be, deep down everyone needs to feel loved.It is fundamental to our humanity.However we do not always have someone in our lives to love us all the time.Loving parents die, divorces happen, children may grow up, move away and become quite forgetful, friends quarrel.As people who love Jesus we need never feel like this because Jesus has assured us of his love and his presence.Not in an obscure religious way but as a real family experience, ‘we will make our home with him.’

If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.John 14.23

Whatever may trouble us his final word is a promise of peace.Not of a life undisturbed by troubles, but a different kind of peace even in the midst of trouble, unknown to those outside of his family, but one that removes our fears and gives us peace in our hearts, whatever the circumstances may be.His is a unique peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.I do not give as the world gives.Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.John 14.27 If you have something good to share and would like to make some money from it too, then join me at

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Article Written by TerriLane

Marion was born in Greenwich, London, where she spent the first 18 years of her life. Subsequently she lived for several years in Singapore, Nigeria and Sweden. She and her husband and have retired and are now resident in Greece. She has had 4 articles published with Evergreen Magazine, the most recent being in the Winter Edition 2017. An e-book, with Amazon, is entitled Shafts of Sonlight.

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